Page 339 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 339

Website Backgrounds            339

              background color is set to the pasteboard color and you can see the page background
              rectangle with its own color.

              You can use the color editor to edit these colors. Right click on thepage and choose
              "Page background" > "Edit page color" to bring up the color editor, then you can edit the
              page color. To edit the pasteboard background color, right click on the pasteboard and
              choose "Pasteboard background" > "Edit pasteboard color".

              To reset the pasteboard background back to its default white color right click on the
              pasteboard and choose "PASTEBOARD BACKGROUND" > "RESET". To reset the page
              background to its default clear or transparent state right click on the page background
              and choose  "PAGE BACKGROUND" > "RESET".

              If you have more than one page in your website document and you want to apply
              background and pasteboard colors globally, that is to every page in your website
              document, then you can do this easily. Right click on either the pasteboard or the page
              background and choose COPY PASTEBOARD BACKGROUND or COPY PAGE BACKGROUND

              Template Backgrounds  and re-coloring backgrounds

              Xara Web Designer Premium allows you to import a range of pre-designed website
              backgrounds directly from the ONLINE CONTENT CATALOG to your web document. Choose
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