Page 340 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 340

340      Website Backgrounds

                from the selection of backgrounds in the WEBSITE BACKGROUNDS section of the gallery.
                You can then customize the textures with your own colors by dragging colors from the
                color line onto the background or  using a right mouse click on the background to bring
                up the "PASTEBOARD BACKGROUND" > "EDIT PASTEBOARD COLOR" menu to display the
                color editor.
                When you change the color of a background that is composed of a range of colors you
                will notice that Web Designer Premium will ask you which color it is you want to change.
                These might be named colors - as would be the case if you were working from one of the
                ready-made website template themes or colors that you had previously named yourself,
                or they might be local colors which would be the case if you were changing your own
                choice of color from an earlier selection. See Replacing Colors (on page 189) for more

                Note that when you drag one of the stock website backgrounds onto the Pasteboard
                Background it replaces all other objects currently on the Pasteboard Background layer
                and so in this respect is a destructive operation.

                Fixed, non-scrolling backgrounds

                Normally if you have a long web page that can be scrolled in the browser, the browser
                background scrolls with it, so the page content remains in the same place relative to the
                background. But you can ‘fix’ the background so it doesn’t scroll with the page content.
                Right-click on the pasteboard and select "PASTEBOARD BACKGROUND" > "FIXED". Then
                when you preview, the content slides over the fixed background as you scroll (to see this,
                make sure your page is long enough so the browser shows a scroll bar!).

                To switch back to the default, scrolling, behavior, select "PASTEBOARD BACKGROUND" >

                Using photos as backgrounds

                Creating photo backgrounds.

                If you want to create your own photo or texture bitmap backgrounds rather than
                customize the ready-made backgrounds from the ONLINE CONTENT CATALOG then it's
                easy to do.

                First, import the photo or texture into your document, just as you would to place it on a
                page. Then right click on the photo and choose either SET PAGE AS BACKGROUND or SET
                PASTEBOARD AS BACKGROUND, depending on which you want to set.
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