Page 438 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 438

438      Website Widgets

                To add a widget, just drag and drop it from the gallery onto your page. What happens
                next depends on the type of widget. If it’s a Web Editable Widget, a browser window will
                open to allow you to configure the widget on the widget provider’s website. If it’s a Locally
                Editable Widget, a placeholder image will appear on your page. Double click on the
                placeholder and a new document opens within Web Designer Premium, which allows
                you to customize the widget.

                See the website at for more information.

                Press the HELP button at the bottom of the window to see some information to guide you
                through the process of configuring the widget and inserting it on your page. For most
                widgets, you need to get to the point where the widget website offers you the HTML code
                that needs to be inserted into your web page. As soon as this is visible, you can normally
                click the Insert button at the bottom of the window. Xara Web Designer Premium will then
                find the HTML code and will insert it into your page for you.
                For some widgets, Xara Web Designer Premium is unable to retrieve the HTML code
                from the site directly and you need to first copy the code to the clipboard. Select the code
                in the browser window and press Ctrl+C. Many widgets make this easy for you by
                providing a copy button next to the code. Once you’ve copied the code, click the INSERT
                Automatic placeholder generation

                When you press the Insert button, if Xara Web Designer Premium found the widget code
                the widget website window is closed and you will see an indication that Xara Web
                Designer Premium is busy rendering a placeholder image. After a few seconds an image
                of your widget appears on your page. Now all you have to do is preview your web page
                and you should see your new widget working on your page!

                Widget site membership
                Some widgets may require you to open an account with the widget provider, before you
                can use them. Most are free, but some offer premium services over and above the free
                offering. See each individual widget and the information on the widget provider’s site for

                Editing existing widgets
                At any time you can double click the widget placeholder (or right click and choose EDIT
                WIDGET) in your Web Designer Premium's page to return to the widget provider’s website
                so you can easily modify or replace the widget.
                Those widget providers who give you an account, will normally also keep a copy of any
                widgets you’ve created. This means you can sign into your account while going through
                the insertion process above and then find, modify and insert a widget that you’ve created
                previously. Inserting existing widgets is just like inserting newly created widgets – just
                click INSERT when you are offered the HTML code, or copy the HTML code for the widget
                to the clipboard and then click INSERT.
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