Page 441 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 441

Website Widgets         441

              Copy the code from the widget provider to your system clipboard, just as you copy text in
              a word processor. Sometimes the widget provider may even provide a ‘copy’ button
              which copies the code for you.

              Then in Xara Web Designer Premium go into the SELECTOR TOOL and then do a normal
              paste operation (Ctrl+V). You’ll see that Xara Web Designer Premium recognizes the
              HTML code and immediately starts to render a placeholder image, just as it does when
              inserting a widget from the ONLINE CONTENT CATALOG. The placeholder appears on your
              page, usually with the most appropriate size for the widget. You can then preview your
              page to see your working widget!

              You can also paste widget code into both the head and body of your page using the
              Placeholder tab (on page 317) of the Web Properties dialog.

              NOTE: If you are in the TEXT TOOL when you paste the code, it will be pasted as text
              instead of producing a placeholder! And once you’ve pasted the contents of the clipboard
              as text once, it will continue to paste as text even if you switch to the SELECTOR TOOL and
              paste again. If you get into this position, return to the widget website and copy the code
              again. Then do the paste while in the SELECTOR TOOL.

              Adding a Cookie Consent banner

              Adding a cookie consent banner to your website is easy.

              Most third party applications for creating Cookie consent banners allow you to create and
              customize a banner and then generate code for you to paste into the HTML head of your
              web document. You can do this using the HTML CODE (HEAD) button on "UTILITIES" > "WEB
              PROPERTIES" > "WEBSITE" tab.

              Follow the guide at
              consent-banner to learn more.

              Resizing widgets

              You can resize the placeholder images for MP4 movies and animated GIFs to similarly
              resize the content as it appears on your page, because this type of content is scalable.
              Most of the Locally Editable Widgets are also resizable, but some are not and won’t allow
              you to drag the resize handles of the placeholder image.

              Some Web Editable Widgets will allow you to resize them even though the widget
              content won’t scale. For these widgets the placeholder object merely determines the
              bounds of the area in which the widget can render, so making the placeholder too small
              for the widget will mean that the widget gets cropped in your web page. The placeholder
              image gets regenerated whenever you resize it, so it will reflect any cropping of the
              widget too, as shown in this example.
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