Page 440 - Xara Web Designer Premium
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440      Website Widgets

                As with the other file types above, a placeholder image showing the player is generated
                and placed on your page and the MP3 file and all other files needed to make the player
                work are copied to the support folder of your document and will be included in your
                exported website. Preview page to see the player in action.

                The player is simple and unobtrusive. You can start and stop the audio, click on the time
                line to jump to different parts of the audio, adjust the volume (click on the volume
                indicator line) and mute (click the speaker icon).

                Technical note: The player uses the native HTML 5 capabilities of the web browser to
                play the audio, if the browser supports it and if it also supports the MP3 format. This
                means the player will work in all major browser versions (older browsers don’t support
                HTML 5).

                Animated GIFs
                Import or drag and drop the GIF file onto your page. It gets copied to your design’s
                support folder and a static placeholder image is generated for it. Resize and position the
                placeholder, then preview your page and you’re done!

                PDF Files
                You can import PDF files into a web document in two different ways. Either import it so
                that the contents of the file are copied onto your page (as when importing a photo). Or
                you can link to a copy of the file in your website and have the file published with your site.
                When importing a PDF file a prompt is shown to let you choose between these two
                When adding a link, the PDF file is copied into the support folder of your design, so it’s
                exported and published with the rest of your site. And a link is added which looks like this
                on the page:

                Clicking the link on your exported page normally opens the PDF file, but the exact
                behavior varies depending on the user’s browser settings.

                Widgets from other widget sites

                There are hundreds or thousands of sites offering widgets of some form or another and
                the ONLINE CONTENT CATALOG offers only a tiny subset of what is available on the web.
                Just about all widgets are provided to you in the form of a small piece of HTML code. The
                widget provider will normally give you some simple instructions on how to insert the code
                into your web page, but with Xara Web Designer Premium it really is very simple.
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