Page 439 - Xara Web Designer Premium
P. 439

Website Widgets         439

              Embedding movie, audio, animation and other files

              Xara Web Designer Premium includes direct support for some types of file that you are
              likely to want to add to your website. For these files you can simply drag and drop them
              from Windows Explorer onto your page, or use "FILE" > "IMPORT".

              On import the file type is identified, an appropriate placeholder or link is added to your
              page, and the file is copied into the support folder for your design. The support folder is a
              folder which lives alongside your design file and is created automatically. If your design
              file is called „MySite.web", its support folder is „MySite_web_files". The contents of this
              folder are included along with all the image files for your site, whenever the site is
              exported and published.

              MP4 & FLV movie files
              These are the only movie files directly supported by Xara Web Designer Premium.

              Import an MP4 or FLV file and Xara Web Designer Premium inspects the file to
              determine the aspect ratio and other information about the movie.

              You are asked whether or not you want the movie to start playing automatically as soon
              as the page holding it is loaded (auto-play) although bear in mind that browser support
              for this option varies and may change due to explicit restrictions being added to the
              browsers to prevent auto-play. Firefox and Chrome no longer support auto-play.

              The movie file is then inserted, into the support folder of your website. A placeholder
              image resembling the movie player appears on your page.

              Position and resize the placeholder using the SELECTOR TOOL, and then preview your
              page. Click on the movie player play button to start the movie. That’s it! The movie player
              includes basic controls for adjusting volume, starting & stopping and for jumping to any
              point in the movie.

              Alternatively you can use some of the widgets in the ONLINE CONTENT CATALOG to
              present your movies instead. This way you have more control over the presentation. See
              See this Xara Knowledgebase article
              audio-video-media-not-autoplay-within-my-website-after-publishing for up to date
              information on browser support for auto-play.

              MP3 files
              Import an MP3 file to add audio to your web page. A prompt allows you to choose
              whether the audio should start automatically when your page is loaded (some browsers
              may restrict this) or whether it should only start when the play button is pressed on the
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