Page 131 - The Red Well-Read Reader
P. 131
The Red Well-Read Reader
Story 217
Pig Slop and Soda Pop
The thief stole a bottle of soda pop from Dunlop’s barber shop. Mr. Dunlop, having
but on leg, had to hop. But he pur•sued, swinging his leather strop.
He chased the thief plop into a cop who gave his neck a karate chop; his kisser, a
pop; and his head, a bop. For minutes he spun ‘round like a top. When finally he
stopped, he dropped to the ground and flopped.
In jail he was fed nothing but pig slop, and as a reminder, that very same brand of
Story 218
Josh hates to wash. But he loves to swash in rain-filled puddles wearing
neither rubbers nor mackintosh.
When eating, he sloshes his jeans with nosh or squash, causing his mother
to yell, “Tosh . . . tosh ! By gosh, someday I hope to quash your be•ha•vior
with a be•fit•ting kibosh !”
Never•the•less Josh merely shrugs his shoulders and says, “Oh, posh!”