Page 24 - International Psychics Directory 2018
P. 24
Connecting to
the Universal
Wide Web
By Elisabeth Jensen
A wisdom extended to medical
huge amount
of wisdom is
intuition, Akashic/soul records
available if you
and world prophecies. When
wish to access
it. There is so much Cayce was put into a hypnotic
trance to help him overcome
information on the Internet, a speech problem, it was
but it can be hard to tell the beginning of decades of
if it’s from a trustworthy channelled wisdom.
source. Likewise, a similar
level of discernment is My ability was triggered when
useful when you work with I borrowed a book about the
channelled information. life of Edgar Cayce from the
However interesting a local library. As a registered
message seems, it is nurse, I thought it was a very
important to clarify the strange read and an unwise
source before acting on process to follow. But, a few
advice. nights later I woke up to find
Cayce standing next to my bed
saying, ‘Now you understand!’
From then on, my psychic
abilities developed rapidly. CHANNELLING SAFELY archangel to connect with
Like every natural ability, most you. Visualise them standing
CHANNELLING vs people can learn to channel to behind you, then ask for a
MEDIUMSHIP some degree, but it is wise to short message. Don’t expect a
My mediumship abilities work with a teacher who can booming voice telling you how
developed first, so that I could give you pointers and help you to live your life, as archangels
connect to people who had avoid problems. Experimenting tend to give gentle guidance.
passed quite easily. It was my with ouija boards is not a good You may sense a reply in your
interest in connecting closer idea for anyone inexperienced mind, so quieten your thoughts
to angels and divinities that with spirit communication. and let any message come.
led me to study channelling. Reading books and taking
Mediums do channel the classes will teach you the Holding a clear quartz crystal
spirits of the deceased, but technical process, how to and inhaling a few drops of
to distinguish between the practise discernment and give good quality frankincense
sources, channelling generally you safety advice. essential oil will always help
refers to receiving information with the channelling process.
from ascended masters, Channelling is a safe process Visualising bright white light
guides, divinities and angels, so long as you follow some around you first is always a
and mediumship to passed basic guidelines, such as not wise choice.
over loved ones. Channelling being under the influence
universal healing energy is also of alcohol, stress or anxiety, TRANCE CHANNELLING
possible and feels wonderful. nor being desperate for or There are various levels of
obsessing over an answer. trance channelling. This takes
With mediumship, the energy Practising regular meditation much more practice usually, as
The sleeping prophet, Edgar Cayce (1877-
1945) has been called the father of holistic is often much heavier. The is always recommended as you need to draw the energy
medicine. He is one of the most documented information is meant to bring it will put you well on the way of the divinity or archangel into
psychics of the 20th century. the comfort that our loved to accessing so much divine your body and hold it there
ones are safe and alive in the wisdom—you will wonder why while letting the information
Training in channelling is light, and not necessarily as they didn’t teach it at school! flow out of your mind and then
a helpful way to develop guidance with life choices. your mouth. Maintaining high
your skill. Channelling However, if your grandmother There are different ways to vibrations is important so the
can sometimes occur was an expert in some aspect channel, but the safest way process is available when you
spontaneously, however, of her life, such as growing to start is by thinking of an require it.
if you’re in an altered state roses, that advice would still be archangel, such as Michael,
such as deep meditation or valid. Her opinion of your new and when in a quiet place, When I first started to trance
hypnosis. This happened boyfriend might not necessarily placing their statue or picture channel, I felt very spacy
with Edgar Cayce, a highly be as on point—just as when next to you. Calm your mind, and could only speak for a
documented psychic whose she was living on earth. breathe deeply, and ask the minute or so. Now, I can be
24 1. Always seek informed advice when using essential oils.