Page 25 - International Psychics Directory 2018
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very deep in trance, but still as Isis), but I channel all the relates to creating a future or just a wise and creative
just conscious, as I speak for Egyptian divinities, as well as world filled with light and much person.
several hours. Information many Hindu divinities, plus more kindness and peace.
comes in both words and many ascended masters, Finally, here is a short,
visions, so sometimes I need archangels and saints. With channelling, endless channelled message from
to combine the information, information can be received, the universal divine mind:
and there is always a very WHAT INFORMATION CAN but being a clear channel— ‘Remember, you are already
short time frame to stop saying BE RECEIVED? interpreting information divine, dear ones. You have
something if I choose. An In general, for myself, the correctly—can be a challenge just forgotten it in the midst of
unconscious trance channel Egyptian god, Amun Ra, at first. We were not meant your busy life in earth school.’
is totally unaware of what they comes to give healing miracles to navigate this life alone; we
say or do, but the information to people and he also gives have many high-level spiritual
can be quite amazingly wise prophecies. The prophet advisers to assist us to find ELISABETH JENSEN is the
and accurate, although it’s a Nostradamus is the only one wonderful answers to life’s author of Auset Egyptian
much tougher process on the I ask about money matters, greatest mysteries. But you Oracle Cards and is the
physical body. and he is quite accurate there, need to set your intention as to principal of Auset Temple
but he tends to always see what information you request, Healing. She teaches
For myself, I prefer to be a the more unpleasant future then deliver it accurately. channelling, healing and
deep but conscious trance events. Goddess Auset always Goddess Auset often gives hypnosis in Adelaide and
channel as I learn from the gives me wise advice in difficult wise guidance, giving a map Melbourne and throughout
information that way, and can situations. The archangels to follow so you complete Asia, and leads sacred
use it to write articles and give gentler, more positive your soul purpose safely on journeys to Egypt. Elisabeth
oracle cards or design new messages usually. And while Earth, but she will not deliver a was Australian Psychic of
healing systems or, of course, higher light beings from other manual of definite instructions the Year for 2010. Please
give psychic readings. To give planets do sometimes appear, to cover you for a lifetime of visit her website at www.
wise advice to others, you they tend to find us humans instance wealth! So, just as and
need to contact the highest quite humorous; they offer you must use the World Wide her Facebook page: Elisabeth
sources of information always assistance with healing, but Web with discernment, know Jensen Auset Temple Healing.
and know who to contact rarely give guidance as they that the Universal Wide Web
in different situations. This don’t seem to understand takes time to learn to navigate Image of Edgar Cayce used
process allows me to do this. humans and the way we live. too. But used with care and by permission–Edgar Cayce
Mostly, my guidance comes The most profound wisdom skill, it is a wonderful gift to Foundation–Virginia Beach,
from the ancient Egyptian comes from the universal develop regardless of whether VA;
goddess, Auset (also known divine mind and generally you intend to be a psychic
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