Page 30 - International Psychics Directory 2018
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strong and large purchases business, although this may
are likely. Relationships are mean burning the candle at
touch and go. You are likely both ends. There could be
to break away from shaky considerable work-related travel
partnerships, but you may also and commitments that take you
see a surprise commitment. away from your home or family.
Be flexible and make full use of
the opportunities that present
Day Number 5 themselves. It will require a
Your day number is 5 if you combination of perseverance,
were born on the 5th, 14th hard work and versatility. Your
or 23rd. efforts will be recognised and
you will have support from your
Lucky colours: friends and family. Make the
silver and pink time to recognise and support
Lucky number: 1 them in return.
Selling and trading during
It is ‘heads down and bums up’ this year will usually be
for those with a 5 day number. quite successful for 5-day
There are favourable vibes for
remarkable expansion in your career or and dedication may make the
numbers. All this hard work
new friends
growth, particularly if your Day Number 4
creativity is well directed. Be Your day number is 4 if you
mindful not to waste money were born on the 4th, 13th,
or opportunities just because 22nd or 31st.
they appear to come easily to
you. Surround yourself with Lucky colour: orange
upbeat and positive people. Lucky number: 8
This is an excellent year If you have worked hard
for travel and you may in 2017, expect to see the
find yourself packing and rewards of your labour in
unpacking suitcases more 2018. Finances are set to
than usual. Get ready to go up and you will have an
shine! Business connections, opportunity to launch some
ideas and new ventures are new ideas. Communication
all favourable and this is a is the key to success and
stunning time for love and networking is the way to follow
special commitments. The it through to a new level.
year 2018 will be a very busy open
period so be sure to take care This is a great year for you. It
of yourself. Eat well and take will be filled with thrills, spills doors
time to rest and reflect on and major changes. Luck is on
everything that is going on. your side. Property is looking
Mark Paul Since childhood Mark has had many psychic experiences including a premonition of the collapse
of the Derwent Bridge in Hobart in 1975. In 1993, at the age of 22, Mark was reading professionally and
Psychic, Medium, doing Platform Work in Spiritualist Churches. Mark has appeared on PsychicTV and has been a medium
Tarot, Auras, in Paranormal Investigations. When reading Mark likes to combine Mediumship, Tarot and Aura
Clairvoyant Interpretation. He regularly has spirits coming to him asking for help. Mark also trains in Shaolin Monk Kung Fu.
Woolloomooloo, NSW “Mark you were so accurate thanks so much!! I am settling on my new home in 4 weeks. Also
currently planning a massive birthday celebration for my daughter and fingers crossed I get the
Ph: +61 2 9332 3375 job I’ve worked hard for this week. All you said was spot on. Very impressed...” - Rhiannon Pilton
Mob: 0400 383 448 ∞ ∞ ∞
Psychic / Medium Michelle Conway. Over 25 years experience.
Often referred to as the gentle psychic. Michelle’s reading are accurate, caring and sincere.
“Wow... You are amazing. Thank you, yes, you have given me answers, peace and hope.” - Elseesa
“Michelle you are always spot on! Amazing!” - Tanya
Michelle Conway Ballarat, Geelong and Regional Victoria
Phone: +61 429 903 588
Web: Email: