Page 27 - International Psychics Directory 2018
P. 27
so it was a very simple and that I was fundamentally
uncomplicated process of changed.
painting the god, goddess,
or hero for each card. I Messenger taught me to
would create a concept keep it simple. The Dreams
drawing, send it in, and paint of Gaia Tarot taught me that
it once it was approved. If keeping it simple can yield
there were any changes complex results.
required, I made them. If
there were none required, I Did the imagery of any of
moved on to the next card. the cards surprise you?
Messenger Oracle involved Ravynne: No, not really.
a process of illustrating What often surprised me
each card, and providing a were the observations I
short and simple meaning. I made while researching
was two years into working each card. I often saw,
on the tarot, and feeling heard, and read things that
lost and without direction, delighted me, but there
and so I stepped away and were also times when what
created Messenger instead. I saw, heard, and read
I loved working on this deck. shook me to my very core.
It was easy, uncomplicated, What surprised me was the
and exactly what I needed strength of the love I felt for
to do at the time. Messenger observing behaviour even
taught me to simplify and during those times when
refine my thoughts. the behaviour I observed
challenged me.
The tarot, by comparison,
was complex and The text for each card
card's meaning. I would then When one illustration was challenging because I lived includes key words, key
observe the card's meaning finished, the energy around and saw every card play phrases, a meaning, and
play out among the people me would shift and the out in the world around also provides insight
closest to me, or in the process would begin all over me. It took a year to create into past, present, future
community around me, or again. Messenger Oracle. It took and potential blockages.
within myself. Next, I would nine years to create the Each card offers
share my experiences, my You illustrated Mythic Dreams of Gaia Tarot. Even specific guidance, but
thoughts and feelings on Oracle and created the though the creation process also encourages self-
social media, and read the Messenger Oracle. How for each of the cards in examination. So, whether
stories others shared in was working on a tarot Messenger was similar to the reader wants a quick
return. I would make notes, deck different to the that used for the tarot, it answer, a detailed reading,
storing ideas and bits and oracles? is like comparing a short or a contemplative tool,
pieces away for future frolic through a flowering the text will meet their
reference and exploration. Ravynne: Each deck offered glade to exploring a deep needs. Can you share a
At the same time, I would a different experience. I wilderness and becoming little of how the text was
also be working on an was hired by Blue Angel lost several times along composed?
illustration for the deck and Publishing to illustrate the way. I enjoyed all three
everything I was feeling and Mythic Oracle. It was not experiences, but by the time Ravynne: There are
thinking about at the time what I would consider a the tarot was completed, I similarities to the Rider-
was woven into the painting. collaborative arrangement, looked up and discovered Waite due to both having