Page 28 - International Psychics Directory 2018
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been drawn from numerology. Overall, what unique
For example, the aces in wisdom did you want the
the Dreams of Gaia Tarot Dreams of Gaia Tarot to Sharina’s
represent new beginnings, offer the reader?
not because the aces in the
Rider-Waite represent new Ravynne: Self-knowledge
beginnings, but because the and self-empowerment Lucky
number one represents a are the key focus of the
new beginning—a starting deck. My hope is that the
point—in both systems. tarot will inspire readers Numbers
to ask questions and
The text for the guidebook seek answers, help them
to both understand and
was compiled after the embrace their emotional for 2018
illustrations were all
completed and follows a reactions, enable them to
structure and format that grow with grace, especially
came to me just weeks in those times of change
after completing Messenger that challenge us, and aid
Oracle. I observed, them if they are in need
discussed, and took many of healing. My hope is
notes while I painted the that readers will have the
illustrations, but I have never courage to listen to their
been able to write and paint own hearts and minds
at the same time. I work in and trust in themselves
the realm of emotion when because they know who
I paint. When I write, I tend they are and what they
to be more ordered, logical, want from life.
and analytical. I don't like Images by Aaron Pocock
switching from feeling to With knowledge comes
thinking when I am painting, understanding. Armed with umerology is an have a look at your day
even though the process for both we can make more ancient form of number. Your day number is
each card involved discussing empowered choices and divination that dates determined by the date you
what I was experiencing and create a life of our own Nto Pythagoras. I have were born and I feel it is your
feeling at the time. The writing magical design. found it to be a most reliable most important number. It is
process for me is challenging. and accurate way to predict, easy to work out.
I am a far better artist than prepare and work with the
I am writer. Writing each energies influencing us at any If you were born on the
card meaning involved my For more information on one time. 3rd of any month, your day
writing, editing, and rewriting Ravynne Phelan, her number is 3.
many, many times before I artwork and her decks, visit The year 2018 – 2 + 0 + 1 +
was satisfied. Editing and or 8 – adds up to an 11. This is a If you were born between
reworking is something I do year of mastery. It is important the 10th and 31st of the
not do when I am painting. to realise that mastery comes month, reduce your birth day
I feel, I observe, and then through challenge, devotion to a single digit by adding
I paint. When I finish the and focus. The number 11 the numbers together. If you
painting, I detach and step further reduces to a 2, giving were born on the 24th of any
away. I don't go back and us an underlying theme of month, add 2 and 4 together
change things once I have For information on the partnerships, balance and to come to a day number
finished. I put my brushes CARTA Awards visit www. duality in the upcoming year. of 6.
down and I don't pick them up internationaltarotfoundation.
again. com. For a more specific look at Check out the vibes for 2018
how 2018 will add up for you, and your day number:
Renowned worldwide for her spiritual guidance and personal Psychic of the Year
coaching, Joy is a clairvoyant who continues to help people (WA) - 2011
with love, business and messages from beyond. Her
clients regularly confirm the accuracy of her predictions Psychic Hall of
and the benefits of her emotional and spiritual healing. Fame - 2015
As an empathic medium, Joy brings through validation from + Private Readings
spirit, giving her clients the reassurance that their loved ones
are okay as well as the answers they’ve been waiting for. + Events
+ Retreats
An award-winning Australian psychic who is genuinely
down to earth. Joy is available for phone, Skype and
email readings. In-person readings in Perth (WA), Mob: +61 404 275 035
Melbourne & San Remo (Vic), Brisbane (QLD) and Ph: +61 3 93510107
other Australian & UK locations by arrangement. E:
Melbourne-based Psychic & Life Coach. Find Joy at