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2 | Page January 2 4 I ssue%u2022 Shawnee County Department of Corrections%u2022 Shawnee County Elections OfficeThe Kansas Association of Counties is hosting the fourth annual County Day at the Capitol event that is focused on raising awareness of the importance of local county government across Kansas. The 2025 County Day at the Capitol Event event will take place on Thursday, February 6, 2025 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Kansas State Capitol in Downtown Topeka.Kansas Counties, Affiliates, Associates, and external partners, we need your participation in filling up the first-floor rotunda (including north and south wings) of the State Capitol with displays and representatives from your organizations. This is a prime opportunity to network with legislators oneon-one to advocate for your county and discuss the challenges you face in your role in county government.Table Space Reservation. Each Kansas County, Affiliate, Associate, and external partner organization who registers for a table space will receive a table and two chairs (additional chairs available upon request). There are approximately 30 table spaces available on a first-come, firstserved basis. Easels (one per table space) are also available upon request.Deadline for Table Space Reservation:Thursday, January 30, 2025Here are the Kansas County, Affiliate, Associate and Partner organizations that participated at last year's 2024 County Day at the Capitol event. We hope to see you all again this year!%u2022 Association of Community Mental Health Centers of Kansas%u2022 Butler County%u2022 County Weed Directors Association of Kansas%u2022 CTC Disaster Response%u2022 Dickinson County%u2022 Finney County%u2022 Geary County%u2022 Kansas Association of Counties%u2022 Kansas Association of County Planning and Zoning Officials%u2022 Kansas Association of Local Health Departments%u2022 Kansas County Appraisers Association%u2022 Kansas County Clerk and Elections Official Association%u2022 Kansas County Commissioners Association%u2022 Kansas County Highway Association%u2022 Kansas County Human Resource Association%u2022 Kansas Emergency Management Association%u2022 Kansas EMS Association%u2022 Kansas LTAP%u2022 Kansas Register of Deeds Association