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chemical reactions and synthesis routes as safe as possible. Take into
account all hazardous materials during the reaction including waste.
4. Mendesain Produk Bahan Kimia yang Aman
(Designing Safer Chemicals)
Design of synthetic methods to avoid using or producing toxic
substances for humans or the environment. By designing safe chemical
synthesis, the environment and humans will not be damaged. Design
chemical reactions and synthesis routes as safe as possible. Take into
account all hazardous materials during the reaction including waste.
Figure 2b. KECE Unesa
Figure 2a. Unsafe Skincare
Skincare Products that are Safe
Products Containing Mercury
with Nano Gold Content
Source: Compiling Documents
5. Menggunakan Pelarut dan Bahan-bahan Kimia yang
Aman (Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries)
Choose the safest solvent in each process and minimize the
amount of solvent so as not to produce a large percentage of waste.
Generally, solvents are flammable or toxic and almost all of them are
volatile organic compounds that cause air pollution. One way to
overcome this is to use several types of solvents that are more
environmentally friendly such as ionic liquids, fluorine phase
chemistry, supercritical carbon dioxide (supercritical carbon dioxide),
and biosolvents. In addition, there are several new synthesis methods