P. 18
2. Impact of Global Warming
Global warming causes very diverse impacts, both for the natural
environment and for living things on earth. The following are some of
the effects of global warming, including:
1. Global warming causes erratic weather conditions.
2. The melting of icebergs at the North Pole and South Pole which
causes an increase in sea level, causing the land area to decrease.
3. Rising sea levels cause land to be reduced so that the problem arises
that the area occupied by humans is reduced.
4. Season shifts are disruptive and difficult to predict.
5. Damage to coral reefs in the ocean due to higher water temperatures
which makes it difficult for coral reefs to adapt so they are easily
damaged and eventually die.
6. Due to the destruction of coral reefs, it will be difficult for marine
biota to get food and protection from coral reefs.
7. The next impact of global warming is that many animal species die
due to difficulty adapting to higher temperatures.
8. The dry season is longer due to the instability of the ecosystem.
9. Increased skin disease problems or other diseases caused by
temperatures that are too hot.
10. The increasing temperature of the earth causes the risk of forest
fires to be higher due to the rubbing of dry leaves.
3. How to Overcome Global Warming
From the many impacts of global warming, we need to take
countermeasures to suppress the negative effects caused. Here are some
ways that can be done to reduce the risk of global warming:
1. Reduce the use of fossil fuels to reduce gas levels that can be
produced by motorized vehicles.
2. Reduce the use of private vehicles and replace using public
transportation, cycling or walking to reduce vehicle pollution.