Page 30 - Company Supplied Vehicles, Drivers' Manual v3
P. 30
3.6 Parking
You must not park where it is dangerous or illegal as indicated by line markings or signs
displayed. The Highway Code gives full advice on where you must not and should not park.
Always check parking restrictions to avoid parking fines. Always purchase a parking ticket
where applicable and park considerately within the marked bays.
3.6.1 Parking at home
Local bylaws and property covenants often prohibit the parking of commercial vehicles. You
should familiarise yourself with any restrictions that apply to your own locality and obey them.
Please be considerate so as not to annoy customers or neighbours when parking.
3.6.2 Parking at night
The law states that cars, motorcycles and goods vehicles not exceeding 2,500kg gross vehicle
mass (GVM) may park during the hours of darkness without lights on any road where:
• The road is subject to a speed limit of 30mph or less.
• No part of the vehicle is within 10 metres of a road junction.
• The vehicle is parked close to the kerb and parallel to it with its nearside to the kerb
(except in the case of a one way street).
Car derived (small) vans are below 2,500kg GVM so do not need to display lights. Medium and
large panel vehicles are over 2,500kg GVM so are required to comply. If in doubt about your
vehicle’s GVM then speak to your fleet manager.
Most vehicles cannot provide full lighting for extended periods from their own electrical system
therefore overnight parking must be off the road. You must have permission from the owner of
the land on which you park. If you experience problems, you should discuss the matter with your
line manager. At night, you must park facing the direction of the traffic flow unless you are
parked in a recognised parking space.
3.6.3 Parking on an incline
When leaving your vehicle parked, please ensure the handbrake is applied firmly and the
vehicle left in gear. You should apply the handbrake fully while the footbrake is engaged and,
where present, park close to the kerb. When parking on level roads ensure your wheels are
parallel to the kerb.
Commercial Drive4Life Handbook – January 2022 (Glen Dimplex Fleet Assistance – 01604 747269) Page 29 of 37