Page 25 - Company Supplied Vehicles, Drivers' Manual v3
P. 25
The Journey
3.1 Breakdowns
In the event of a breakdown, try to come to a gradual stop where you can be seen.
• Switch on your hazard lights. Position vehicle and front wheels so they point away from
• If you are a lone female travelling at night explain this to the emergency services who will
prioritise your call.
• Leave the vehicle by the passenger door to avoid traffic and wait on the verge ideally
behind any crash barrier.
• If you feel threatened by the presence of another person, return to your vehicle and lock all
the doors. Call the emergency services and tell them your safety is under threat.
• Do not use a warning triangle on the motorway.
• Don’t try to repair the vehicle yourself.
3.2 Motorway breakdown
If your vehicle breaks down on a motorway, you should comply with these instructions:
• When your vehicle fails, check behind you, signal left and move onto the hard shoulder as far
to the left hand side as possible.
• Switch on the hazard warning lights.
• Where possible exit your vehicle on the passenger side.
• The emergency telephones located on the hard shoulder are answered by the police who will
know your location by the telephone number you are calling from. The police will take your
details and you should give them the ALD/Lombard number 01604 747269 so that the
appropriate breakdown provider can be organised.
• If you call ALD/Lombard from your mobile phone, quote the nearest marker post number
or the emergency telephone box number, which will help the breakdown provider find you.
You must also call the police from an emergency telephone to let them know you are
stationary on the motorway.
• Whilst you are waiting for the breakdown organisation to arrive it is advisable to move well
away from your vehicle to the motorway boundary fence or the safe side of the crash barrier
if possible. Always wear a fluorescent vest so other road users can see you.
3.3 Vehicle incidents
(Detachable Crash Checklist at the back of the Handbook)
If you are involved in a crash you should follow the procedure as described below. It’s a good idea
to keep a pen and some paper in your glovebox in case you need it!
• Stop immediately (as long as it is safe to do so). Try to remain calm and avoid losing your
temper, give yourself time to think.
• Call the emergency services if there are any injuries or in other dangerous circumstances.
Vehicles should not be moved until instructed to do so by a police officer.
Commercial Drive4Life Handbook – January 2022 (Glen Dimplex Fleet Assistance – 01604 747269) Page 25 of 37