Page 26 - Company Supplied Vehicles, Drivers' Manual v3
P. 26

•   Do not admit liability, discuss the incident or offer to pay. By admitting liability you might
                  invalidate a claim under the Fleet Insurance Policy. If however the other driver admits liability,
                  write it down and ask him/her to sign it.
              •   Contact VMS our Accident Management Company after collecting the information
                  below. They will report the accident to our insurers and arrange repairs to your vehicle.
              •   VMS Telephone: 0844 8002356

            After the crash

               •  Take the registration number, make & model of all vehicles involved.
               •  Take the name and address of the other driver and any other people involved. Take the
                  other driver’s insurance details.
               •  Keep a description of the other driver and the number of passengers in the vehicle and
                  sex/ages of all occupants.
               •  Take the names and addresses of any independent witnesses.
               •  Make a note of the exact location of the crash, on a motorway note the number of the
                  nearest location post.  You should note (i) the vehicle positions before and after the crash
                                (ii) direction of travel of vehicles involved (iii) road markings, signs and
                                 traffic signals (iv) width of road and any other pertinent information. If you
                                 have a camera with you take photographs of the vehicle positions and
                                 damage. Record as much information as possible.
               •  Give the third party(s) your name and address, the company’s details and the insurance
               •  Do not restart your journey until it is safe to do so. Make sure your vehicle is both safe and
                  legal to drive: -
                       1. If any fluids have leaked from the vehicle do not attempt to start it or move it (other
                           than to push it to the side of the road if you are able) and seek recovery.
                       2. If the steering/suspension or lights are damaged again seek recovery.
                       3. If you believe the vehicle to be roadworthy, make sure you drive off carefully and
                           check all systems on the vehicle are working.
                       4. If you are in any doubt about whether it is safe or legal to drive seek recovery.

            If asked by the police to make a statement, you do not have to provide it immediately. It is better to
            write it out later taking care with wording. Send a copy of your statement to the Fleet Management
            Team and keep a copy for your own records.

            Where  applicable,  the  incident  should  be  reported  on  the  Vatix  Lone  Working  App,  alongside
            notification to your respective Line Manager.

            If you have any reason to believe that the crash has been ‘staged’, (where someone deliberately
            crashes into an innocent motorist and claims on insurance or demands cash), don’t confront the
            other driver, take as much information as possible including the number of passengers in the other
            car, take photos of cars and passengers, try to find an independent witness then tell the police or
            the Fleet Management Team of your suspicions

            Third party details

            Where possible you should obtain the driver's name, address and contact telephone number, their
            vehicle registration number, the make and model of the vehicle, insurance company’s name,

                Commercial Drive4Life Handbook – January 2022 (Glen Dimplex Fleet Assistance – 01604 747269)   Page 26 of 37
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