Page 24 - JJD Havenga - Junie 2020 Hernuwing
P. 24
We will only indemnify you under this policy:
1. If the residential property is situated within the Republic of South Africa;
2. For claims intimated in writing by you during a period for which we received the premium for this policy or within 60 days
from us having received the last premium for this policy.
3. This policy will only provide cover to you if a related policy was active at the time of an event that lead to a claim.
4. You must also provide us with a copy of such a related policy when you claim under this policy. The general terms,
conditions and exclusions of the related policy will also apply to this policy, unless there is a specific contradiction in terms,
in which case the conditions of this policy will apply.
1. This policy is subject to any legislation in force within the geographical limits of this policy relating to the protection and
processing of personal information and/or personal data collected during the subsistence of this policy, and thereafter,
and may include requirements relating to the controls and the methods by which personal information is collected, used,
disseminated and disclosed. You are referred to the Protection of Personal Information External Policy, which can be found
at <> and sets out the rights afforded to you, but more particularly to any other
applicable legislation itself. You agree and consent to the collection, use, dissemination and disclosure of your personal information
for the purpose of entering into this policy and giving effect to the terms and conditions hereof, subject to the requirements of any
such applicable legislation.
2. In addition to the above, you acknowledge that the sharing of underwriting and claims information by us with other interested third
parties is essential to enable the insurance industry to (a) underwrite policies and assess risks fairly and to reduce the incidence
of fraudulent claims, (b) is in the public interest and (c) with a view to limiting premiums, and that these actions may be performed
for an indefinite period subsequent to the termination of this policy. You hereby waive any right to privacy in any information supplied
by you or on behalf of you in respect of any underwriting and/or claims information made or lodged by you and you consent to such
information being disclosed to any other insurance company and/or third party or its agent who reasonably gives effect to
items (a)-(c) set out herein, during the subsistence of this policy and indefinitely thereafter. You also waive any rights of privacy in,
and consent to the disclosure of, any information relevant to any insurance claim concerning yourself or any person that you represent
or any person purporting to represent you.
This policy will be governed by the laws of the Republic of South Africa whose courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in any dispute
between that could arise between you and us.
No admission, offer, promise or payment in relation to any possible claim under this policy may be made or given by you or on
your behalf without our written consent.
Printed 4-21-2020 - 09:09:56 Page: 23
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