Page 22 - iNET Magazine April 2022
P. 22
By Tricia Livermore
Do you sometimes wake up with low energy
and feel sad for no reason and then get
frustrated with yourself? If so, you not alone.
Our energy ebbs and flows and when I learned
to accept this natural cycle of our existence, I
started giving myself permission for these
cycles. I leaned into them to listen to the
whispers of my heart. Sometimes, it would
acknowledge a fear, a sense of loneliness or Tricia Livermore is the Founder of Soul Business
frustration that I’m not living to my potential. I Advisor LLC and is a Heart-Centered Mindset
Coach guiding women from self-doubt and self-
have found these low moments to be a sabotage through self-compassion to self-
catalyst for change in my life. As I journal, empowerment so they can stand in their power and
meditate, exercise or simply binge Netflix, I speak their truth. She supports them by creating
come out of it with a knowing that something new habits to bring their daily thoughts into
else has shifted. I realize that I’m not creating alignment with their heart wisdom to live in peace
the reality I want in my life and release another and harmony.
aspect of a limiting belief.
Tricia is also a business coach and mentor with
In 2019, my marriage and corporate career Shiftco. Global where she supports conscious
ended at the same time after 20+ years in entrepreneurs launch and grow their small
both. I found myself in severe depression and business. With over 20 years of entrepreneurship
at the tipping point of an autoimmune experience, she understands all of the demands of
a solo-entrepreneur in supporting both their
disorder. I had completely lost who I was at my business and personal growth.
core. I was both heartbroken with grief and yet
ecstatic at my next chapter.
There are still days, that I’m not in acceptance
My goal was to become a much healthier and I feel my mood and energy dip and I have
version of me physically, mentally and to consciously lean into it and take my inner
spiritually. I spent significant time in deep child’s hand and gently ask her what is
reflection healing old wounds and limiting bothering her. When we work through it
beliefs with the sole purpose of uncovering my together, we come out stronger for it.
soul’s essence of who I was at my core.
Through this journey I sought out support from I tell this story for you to know that you are
an amazing Naturopath, shifted from not alone in your journey. We all get caught up
traditional therapy to energy healing, started in our mindless thoughts about the past and
meditating, journaling and then found our limiting beliefs which impacts our current
HeartMath and Positive Intelligence to bring reality and the trajectory of our future.
the heart and mind into harmony. This was a Through this journey, I found myself
transformative journey from living a life based supporting others through their own self-
in fear and limiting beliefs to a life now lived doubts and self-sabotage and guiding them
with strong values in harmony and accepting into self-compassion and self-acceptance.We
the normal cycle of energy ups and downs aren’t meant to do this alone.If you have the
without judgement. awareness that you keep cycling but aren’t
getting anywhere, let’s have a discovery call
As I became more heart-centered, I realized to determine if we are a good fit for one-
that Love for myself conquers all fears. When another. You can find me at
we learn to love and accept ourselves exactly or
as we are, everything shifts. Sending all
my love.
Tricia Livermore, Soul Business Advisor LLC iNETrepreneur Magazine | Page 26