Page 8 - 2021 Master's University Benefit Brochure_Final3
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Anthem Medical Select & Traditional HMO Benefits

                                                                In-Network Only

                                                  You Pay            Difference Card Pays       Anthem Benefits

           Annual Deductible                       $0                  $5,900 per member          $5,900 per member

                                                    $0                  $500 Individual             $500 Individual
           Annual Coinsurance Max
                                                    $0                   $1,000 Family               $1,000 Family
           Office Visit

           Primary Provider                     $15 copay                 $20 copay                $35 copay
           Specialist                           $15 copay                 $55 copay                $70 copay

           Preventive Services                  No charge                    N/A                    No charge

           Chiropractic Care - American                                                            $10 copay
           Specialty Health Network                $0                      $10 copay         (30 visits per calendar year)

           Lab and X-ray

            Diagnostic                          No charge                    N/A                    No charge

            Complex Imaging                    $100 copay                 $150 copay               $250 copay

           Inpatient Hospitalization                                     Deductible &            30% coinsurance
                                                                          coinsurance            after deductible
           Outpatient Surgery                      $0                    Deductible &            30% coinsurance
                                                                          coinsurance             after deductible
           Urgent Care                          $10 copay                 $25 copay                    $35 copay

           Durable Medical                                                                       50% coinsurance
           Equipment                                                 Deductible & coinsurance     (Ded. Waived)
                                               $100 copay           $150 copay +  deductible    $250 copay + 30%
           Emergency Room                                                                   coinsurance after deductible
                                         (copay waived if admitted)      & coinsurance
                                                                                             (copay waived if admitted)
                                                                                                  $500 / $1,500
           Pharmacy                                                                         Deductible for tiers 2-4, then
                                          $5/$20/$50/$75/30% to    $500 / $1,500 Deductible
                                                  $250             for tiers 2-4 (single / family)   $5/$20/$50/$75/
                                                                                                  30% to $250
         The Select HMO has a limited network of providers. Depending on your place of residence you may need to enroll on
         the Traditional HMO plan. Benefits are the same between these two plans, the network of providers is the only
         variation. Please refer to your provider finder flyer for details on how to find in-network doctors.

                                                  The Master’s University & Seminary                     Page 7
                                                    2021 Employee Benefits Brochure
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