Page 7 - The Vanderblue Team Small Booklet Listing Presentation 2023
P. 7

6. Cross-Marketing                  8. Town Advisors:
    Properties compete not only with homes in   Whether Relocating
    their own community, but also with properties   Nationally,
    in the surrounding towns, and even states.
    With area specialists in every town of Fairfield   Internationally, or Within
    and New Haven Counties, our vast inventory   Connecticut
    allows us to reach and influence a wider
    demographic. Buyers looking in one town are   Our team offers community specialists and
    educated on the values of other towns to   niche marketers in every area of Fairfield
    increase exposure for our clients.  County and throughout Connecticut allowing
                                        us to attract more buyers looking for a higher
                                        level of knowledge, whether relocating
    7. Our Network: It’s All            nationally or within their own county or
                                        cross state. Understanding the nuances of
    about the Network.                  towns and neighborhoods help buyers make
    Close to home: as a top producing team for   educated decisions which is beneficial to both
    decades, relationships with other agents   buyers and sellers.
    is invaluable. The Vanderblue Team has an
    impeccable reputation with our peers which
    makes for better transactions.      9. Availability and
    As a speaker at multiple Top Real Estate   Support
    conventions, Julie Vanderblue has created   As a synergistic team, our clients benefit from
    solid relationships with Top Producers   the expertise and commitment of an entire
    throughout the country. This not only   team, complete with a full-time 7 person
    increases exposure for sellers, but also creates   support and Leadership Team behind the
    tremendous value for buyers moving in and   scenes to keep everything running smoothly.
    out of state.                       The phone never goes unanswered. One of the
    The Vanderblue Team offers AIRE- All   biggest complaints of both buyers and sellers
    Inclusive Real Estate-  a carefully selected   is they cannot reach the agent...not the case   M
    network of highly skilled professionals   with The Vanderblue Team. With a full time
    dedicated to excellence and committed to   support staff, and someone always available,
    offering value to Vanderblue clients. Both   nothing falls through the cracks.  UE TEA
    newcomers and locals value access to vetted
    professionals dedicated to excellence who
    treat AIRE clients with the highest level of
    professionalism and care.           10. Creativity, Growth                RBL
                                        and Exposure
                                        Traditional marketing is not enough. Known
                                        as trendsetters, we are continuously adding   NDE
                                        to our marketing program and will build on to
                                      OUR TEAM  We are always formulating creative ways to   THE VA
                                        your marketing plan throughout the process.
                                        bring more value to our trusted clients.

                                 203-259-8 326 |  VA N D E R B L U E . C O M  7
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