Page 10 - The Vanderblue Team Small Booklet Listing Presentation 2023
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Marketing Materials
Your Lifestyle Magazine
Creating emotional buyers is key in this market and The Vanderblue Team has a customized
strategic approach to do just that. Together we create a personalized marketing magazine
(online & printed) to showcase strengths & eliminate objections. Differentiating your home
from the competition is the best way to win the buyer. Creating relevant content as well as
M “telling the story” of your home sets your home apart from all others.
UE TEA • A detailed journey through the • Service providers and partners
• Floor Plans
RBL • Top Ten Things We Will Miss • Plot Plans, Septic Maps etc.
• Recent Home Improvements and
• Don’t Miss signs
NDE • Nearby Points of Interest • What’s Happening in the
• An Interview with the Homeowner
• Neighbors Know Best
A Custom-Designed Showcase of
Your Home
Working with the highest-quality photographers, videographers,
and staging teams, we ensure that your home is represented in
the best light possible. With a personally written narrative of
the home that highlights the most sought-after features, our
Scan Here for a look Agents and Marketing team work tirelessly to design your home’s
at one of our custom- magazine in a way that will truly captivate buyers and make a
designed brochures!
lasting impression.
10 203-259-8 326 | VA N D E R B L U E . C O M