Page 9 - Chrissie Marketing Presentation 2023
P. 9

Range...                                                          And Influence!

        A strategic approach is designed and implemented to not only attract buyers to your home, but also
 Most realtors have a similar range. The   influence them to choose the lifestyle your home offers above all others. Buyers need a credible source
 M  Multiple Listing Service allows your   to give them the confidence to move forward.
 property to be seen on countless websites...
 UE TEA  from big players like Zillow,,   influences their decision. Being present at showings to accentuate the positives and minimize any
        Unmatched marketing materials to tell the story of your home creates an emotional buyer that
 and to literally thousands of
        potential objectives is key. Being present at showings allows us to evaluate feedback so we understand
 other real estate sites.
        how best to influence their decision. For buyers, influencing the seller to choose YOUR offer over all

 RBL    others comes with experience and communication skills.

        A few key factors to influencing buyers:
 NDE    •  Experiential knowledge

 A      •  Realtor networking locally and nationally
 THE V  •  Credibility
        •  Reputation

        •  Recognition

        •  Proactive Listening

        •  Extensive  and ongoing Agent sales training

        •  Strategic approach to eliminate and overcome                                                                  M
        •  Team and Agent likability, authenticity and
            trustworthiness                                                RELATIONSHIPS ARE EVERYTHING                  UE TEA

 Reach...      Our reputation and statistics speak for themselves...

 This is all about reaching buyers for our                                                                               RBL
 sellers who would otherwise not see their   Well over $1 Billion sold in Real Estate
 home. Whether we introduce them to towns                                                                                NDE
 they were not considering, open their eyes   Awarded Top 100 Most Influential Agents in Real Estate
 to look beyond their limited search, or cross                                                                           A
 market communities and homes through our   Featured in 5 published books on marketing Real Estate
 collaborative team, we are consistently reaching
 beyond range to increase exposure and views.   Consistently recognized in both local & national publications            THE V
 For buyers,  we are reaching beyond MLS and
 often discover properties NOT on the market   Consecutively ranked by WSJ as Top 1% of Real Estate Teams in the Nation
 that ultimately lead to matchmaking the perfect
 buyer with the perfect home.          National Speaker on Real Estate

 8  203-259-8 326 |  VA N D E R B L U E . C O M             203-259-8 326 |  VA N D E R B L U E . C O M             9
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