Page 10 - The Vanderblue Team's Marketing Presentation 2024
P. 10


            Most realtors have a similar range. The Multiple Listing Service allows your property to be seen
            on countless websites... from big players like Zillow,, and to literally
            thousands of other real estate sites.

                                                                       AND COUNTLESS MORE!


                                                                 This is all about reaching buyers for our
                                                                 sellers who would otherwise not see their
                                                                 home. Whether we introduce them to towns
                                                                 they were not considering, open their eyes
                                                                 to look beyond their limited search, or cross
                                                                 market communities and homes through our
                                                                 collaborative team, we are consistently reaching
                                                                 beyond range to increase exposure and views.
                                                                 For buyers,  we are reaching beyond MLS and
                                                                 often discover properties NOT on the market
                                                                 that ultimately lead to matchmaking the perfect
                                                                 buyer with the perfect home.
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