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year 2022-2023 shows satisfaction of 3.84 out of 5 (Annex S2-1-1-5 Questionnaire for Graduates).

            Also, questionnaire of employers' evaluation of the program graduates proficiency of Al Baha

            University-MENG program in academic year 2022-2023 shows satisfaction of 3.94 out of 5 (Annex
            S2-1-1-6 Questionnaire for Employers).

            Finally, the advisory committee of the faculties of engineering, computer science, and information

            technology convened a meeting  (Annex S2-1-1-7 Minutes of the Advisory Committee  of  the
            College of Engineering)  during which three  topics were addressed. The first  topic pertained to

            examining the vision and mission of the college of engineering programs, as well as the distinctive

            attributes of its graduates. The second topic involved a discussion on the learning outcomes of the

            college of engineering programs and the quality of its graduates. Lastly, discussing the feedback

            from the employers for the programs of the college of engineering, then reaching many of the
            recommendations mentioned in the attached file in the meeting committee.

            2-1-2 The learning outcomes are consistent with the requirements of the National Qualifications
            Framework, academic standards and labor market needs.   *

            The consistency with  National Qualifications  Framework (NQF) is discussed  (Annex S2-1-2-1

            Consistency of PS with NQF page No.6-11). According to the definition requirements of the NQF

            learning domains and definitions of the program learning outcomes (PLOs), it is clear that the PLOs

            are fully consistence  with the  NQF requirements  (Annex S2-1-2-2 National Qualifications
            Framework). Table S2.1.2.1 clarifies the consistency between the PLOs and NQF learning domains

            and outcomes.

            Table S2.1.2.1: The Consistency Matrix between PLOs and NQF Learning Domains and Outcomes

                                                         NQF Outcomes
                                KNQF                               S NQF                         VNQF
                        K1  K2  K3  K4  K5     S1   S2   S3   S4   S5   S6   S7   S8   S9   S10   V1  V2  V3
                K  K.1    
                   K.2            
                   K.3               


              PLOs   S  S.2                                         

                   S.3                                              
                   S.4                                                                 
                   S.5                                                        
   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50