Page 475 - taiwan
P. 475

the operation was only to relieve the pain that Susanto continued to experience.
                                      22. Pada tanggal 2 Maret, suanto mengikuti proses operasi.
                                             On March 2, Suanto underwent surgery.
                                      23. Pada tanggal 3 Maret 2022, setelah menjalani proses operasi dan kontrol,
                                          Susanto kembali ke daerah Pelabuhan. Saat itu Susanto beristirahat di
                                          kantor Pospi atas rekomendasi dari pihak Pospi. Saat itu Susanto terus
                                          melakukan kontrol rutin di RS selama 2 minggu.
                                             On March 3 2022, after undergoing the operation and control process, Susanto
                                             returned to the port area. At that time, Susanto rested at the Pospi office on
                                             recommendation from Pospi. At that time, Susanto continued to carry out routine
                                             checks at the hospital for 2 weeks.
                                      24. Pada sekitar tanggal 18 Maret 2022, Suanto dihubungi oleh pihak Agency
                                          Taiwan untuk melakukan penandatanganan kepulangan dan asuransi.
                                             On around March 18 2022, Suanto was contacted by the Taiwan Agency to sign the
                                             return and insurance.
                                      25. Pada saat melakukan sidang soal asuransi di kantor Agency Taiwan,
                                          Susanto dinyatakan tidak buta, padahal kondisi mata pak Susanto sudah
                                          tidak berfungsi lagi yang diperkuat dengan surat diagnosa dari dokter. Tapi
                                          pada saat persidangan itu, pihak dari perikanan dan Agency membantah
                                          kondisi tersebut dengan menunjukkan surat dari dokter yang menyatakan
                                          Susanto tidak mengalami kebutaan tapi hanya pandangan yang kabur.
                                          Mendengar hal ini, Susanto benar-benar kaget karena kondisi matanya
                                          memang susah tidak berfungsi lagi.
                                             During a trial regarding insurance at the Taiwan Agency office, Susanto was
                                             declared not to be blind, even though Mr Susanto's eyes no longer functioned,
                                             which was confirmed by a diagnosis letter from a doctor. However, at the time of
                                             the trial, fisheries officials and the Agency denied this condition by showing a letter
                                             from a doctor stating that Susanto was not blind but only had blurred vision.
                                             Hearing this, Susanto was really shocked because his eyes were in such a difficult
                                             condition that they no longer function.
                                      26. Atas surat yang diterima oleh pihak agency dan perikan yang menyatakan
                                          Susanto tidak mengalami kebutaan, kondisi itu membuat Susanto tidak
                                          bisa mengklaim asuransinya dan hanya menerima uang kompensasi dari
                                          pihak agency sebesar 50,000 mata uang setempat atau setara dengan Rp.
                                          25. 000.000. Akhirnya karena Susanto sudah menyerah melihat hal-hal
                                          yang   merugikan    dia,  Susanto   kemudian    menandatangani     surat
                                          persetujuan bahwa dia tidak bisa mengklaim asuransinya dan hanya
                                          menerima uang kompensasi sebesar 50.000 mata uang setempat karena
                                          tidak mengalami kebutaan permanen.
                                             Based on the letter received by the agency and the fishery stating that Susanto
                                             was not blind, this condition meant that Susanto could not claim his insurance and
                                             only received compensation from the agency in the amount of 50,000 local
                                             currency or the equivalent of Rp. 25,000,000. Finally, because Susanto had given up
                                             seeing things that were detrimental to him, Susanto then signed a letter agreeing
                                             that he could not claim his insurance and only received compensation of 50,000
                                             local currency because he did not experience permanent blindness.
                                      27. Dalam klausul asuransi, jika mengalami kebutaan 1 mata, seharusnya
                                          Susanto mendapatkan 400.000 NT, namun hal ini tidak bisa diklaim karena
                                          pihak Perikanan dan Agency menyatakan Susanto tidak mengalami
                                             In the insurance clause, if he experiences blindness in one eye, Susanto should get
                                             400,000 NT, but this cannot be claimed because the Fisheries and Agency state that
                                             Susanto does not experience blindness.

           3. Kepulangan
                                      28. Pada sekitar tanggal 20 maret 2022. Susanto dipulangkan ke Indonesia.
                                          Sebelum berangkat ke Indonesia, Linda (dari pihak KDI) menelepon pihak
                                             On around March 20 2022, Susanto was returned to Indonesia. Before leaving for
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