Page 474 - taiwan
P. 474
perkembangan tanpa diantar langsung ke Rumah Sakit.
On February 15 , 2022, the new Susanto was delivered to the closest clinic . AT the
clinic , there is an eye specialist doctor. The doctor said that Susanto's eye condition
cannot be handled by him and recommended For quickly take Susanto to a large
hospital . However, The Taiwan Agency responded with bring return Mr. Susanto to
the agency mess and wait for development of Mr Susanto health condition. In fact
, Susanto was only given simple drugs and medicine for lowering pressure in the
eye. Those drugs have No impact on healing Susanto's eyes . Susanto was ordered
to wait for development without being delivered directly to the hospital.
18. Pada tanggal 16 Februari 2022, Susanto menyampaikan bahwa ia butuh
penanganan atas sakit dialaminya, berhubung kondisi mata Susanto tidak
kunjung membaik. Susanto akhirnya dibawa diantar ke RS terdekat. Pada
saat itu Dokter menyampaikan bahwa kondisi mata Susanto sudah parah,
lalu mencoba memberi obat-obatan yang lain, tanpa melakukan operasi.
Dokter menyampaikan bahwa iya menunggu perkembangan kondisi mata
Susanto selama dua hari. Lalu Pak Suanto diantar kembali ke mess.
On February 16 2022, Susanto said that he needed treatment for the pain he was
experiencing, because Susanto's eye condition was not improving. Susanto was
finally taken to the nearest hospital. At that time the doctor said that Susanto's eye
condition was serious, so he tried to give him other medicines, without carrying
out surgery. The doctor said that he would wait for two days to develop Susanto's
eye condition. Then Pak Suanto was escorted back to the mess.
19. Pada tanggal 18 Februari 2022, setelah 2 hari menunggu, pak Susanto
menyampaikan kepada Pihak Agency Taiwan bahwa dirinya membutuhkan
penanganan serius karena dua pengobatan sebelumnya tidak memberikan
hasil yang progress terkait matanya. Namun PIhak Agency Taiwan masih
bertahan untuk menunggu hasil perkembangan dari pengobatan
sebelumnya, dan menyuruh untuk menunggu selama 3 hari.
On February 18 2022, after 2 days of waiting, Mr. Susanto told the Taiwan Agency
that he needed serious treatment because the two previous treatments did not
provide improved results regarding his eyes. However, the Taiwan Agency still
persisted in waiting for the results of the previous treatment, and told them to
wait 3 days.
20. Pada hari yang sama, melihat respon Agency yang berbeda pandangan
atas sakit yang dialami oleh Susanto, Susanto langsung menelepon pihak
POSPI untuk meminta pendampingan. Beberapa jam Kemudian, POSPI
menelepon Susanto dan menyampaikan bahwa POSPI telah bertelponan
dengan pihak Agency, dan pihak Agency akan segera mengantar Susanto
ke Rumah Sakit Yang besar.
On the same day, seeing the Agency's different views regarding Susanto's illness,
Susanto immediately called POSPI to ask for assistance. A few hours later, POSPI
called Susanto and said that POSPI had called the Agency, and the Agency would
immediately take Susanto to a large hospital.
21. Pada hari yang sama, Susanto langsung diantar ke Rumah Sakit yang besar,
dengan menempuh sekitar 1 jam perjalanan. Sesampainya di RS yang
besar tersebut, Suanto langsung diperiksa dan ditangani, kemudian
dikarantina selama 14 hari. Kemudian, Susanto kembali diperiksa
kondisinya dan kemudian menandatangani Surat persetujuan melakukan
operasi. Pada saat itu, Dokter yang menangani menyampaikan bahwa
kondisi Mata pak Susanto sudah tidak bisa berfungsi lagi, melakukan
operasi hanya untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit yang terus dialami oleh
On the same day, Susanto was immediately taken to a large hospital, a journey of
around 1 hour. Arriving at the large hospital, Suanto was immediately examined
and treated, then quarantined for 14 days. Then, Susanto had his condition
checked again and then signed a letter of approval for surgery. At that time, the
doctor who treated him said that Mr. Susanto's eyes could no longer function, so