Page 7 - Microsoft Word - Galadriel Submission Pamphlet.doc
P. 7

Submission # 7
               Title: “Peace, like a troubadour”

               Peace, like a troubadour

               Peace, like a troubadour, wanders,
               moving rhythmically, appearing randomly,
               seeking out a niche—
               for a voice subversive and profound,
               a place for poetry to resound,
               before moving on,
               leaving the crowd entertained
               yet indifferent.

               Submission # 8
               Title: “The Rose”

               The Rose
               (Modeled after “The Lesson”)

               The red rose sprawls
               Itself across ivory white piano
               The simplicity creates a
               Picturesque scene like
               A harvest moon illuminating
               Mountains. The rose is
               A colorful window through
               The piano’s black and white
               World. Even the notes on
               The page lack luscious
               Colors. The rose stands
               Beautiful around dullness.

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