Page 37 - Black Mountain Global Group - Presentation
P. 37


               The land and real estate sector has developed into a standard investment instrument and is an indispensable portfolio component for secure

               asset accumulation. The flow of capital into real estate is enormous. Hardly any other branch of the economy has changed as much in the past

               as the real estate industry. Investors have recognized the value potential in real estate if this form of investment is managed professionally. Real

               estate  investments  are  important  material  assets  (assets)  and  enable  you  to  secure  long-term  capital  and,  in  addition,  a  not  insignificant

               protection against inflation.

               With  sensible  planning,  the  so-called  "concrete  gold"  will  remain  an  investment  in  the  future,  which  ensures  that  the  capital  invested  is

               preserved and also enables you to optimize profits and increase in value. You can also use the international real estate market to be able to take

               advantage of the structural features of asset and liability protection and their tax benefits.

               In our team, experts from a wide range of specialist areas work

               together in an interdisciplinary manner. In this way, we combine

               all of our skills to provide you with comprehensive advice.

               We take on the management of the property between investors,

               builders, planners, project teams and contractors on a trustee


               We  advise,  coordinate,  control  and  create  ready-to-decide

               templates and will also help you with the desired financing or

               capitalization  of  the  assets  and  also  with  their  renting  and

               leasing or with resale.

                                          Professional property management

                                      is the key to any profitable investment.

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