Page 11 - Differentiated Instruction Group Assignment Group 7
P. 11
Strategy 4
Assign Open-Ended Projects to the learners
Many classrooms consist of students from different knowledge backgrounds, multiple cultures,
both genders, and students with a range of disabilities or exceptionalities (Alavinia&Fardy,
2012). With using this strategy, the teacher will give students a list of projects to find one that
lets them effectively demonstrate their knowledge. Include a clear rubric for each type of project,
which clearly defines expectations. Doing so will keep it challenging and help students meet
specific criteria.By doing such both enticing and challenging students, this approach encourages
them to work and learn at their own paces, engage actively with content they must understand,
demonstrate their knowledge as effectively as possible, as well as benefiting students, this
differentiated instruction strategy will clearly showcase distinct work and learning styles.