Page 15 - Differentiated Instruction Group Assignment Group 7
P. 15
Strategy 6
Using Games
Using games in the classroom will not only help students improve in their learning process but it
will create a pathway to help students who have a difficulty in understanding and focusing while in
the classroom. It has been said more than once that pupils learn through different learning styles and
it is only fair that all pupils are given the opportunity to be exposed to fun learning activities.
The teacher can create games that can be used in any subject area and in any part of the lessons.
Games can be used as an introduction which will aid in grasping the attention of pupils. Games can
be used during the lesson in order to make sure that pupils are given that break period to stretch and
also gather their thoughts and finally games can be done at the end of a lesson.
When games are going on, it is very hard for students to tune them out. They are exciting and fun,
thus implementing games an excellent tool to use for differentiating instruction. It provides an
excellent source of motivation for all students and the context necessary for students to actually
internalize the information and truly gain understanding, rather than other activities such as
worksheets. Also, provides an excellent opportunity for students to learn how to collaborate with
others and get along, plus help students understand that sometimes you win and sometimes you