Page 6 - January 2015 Newsletter online
P. 6
Contributed by: Miguel Villafana
Latin America
Miguel Villafana, Latin America
Sales Manager reports that P&H
has received a test order for two of
its products--the Travelator wheel,
and our standard shopping cart
wheel for a customer in Chile that
is the supplier to Walmart in that
The company, Estrella Solitaria
manufactures carts and racks for
retail, industrial and architectural
markets. It also has operations in
Columbia and Peru.
Besides Walmart, the company’s
customers also include SuperMer-
cado 10, Jumbo, aCuenta, Bigger,
Falabella, Express, ConstruMart,
Tottus, SdS, Frindt and Santa Isa-
In 2009, Walmart acquired a ma- The results are in from P&H’s first During the course of the 3 day
jority in Distribución y Servicio D&S “post boost” campaign on Face- campaign, 9,207 people viewed
S.A., Chile’s leading food retailer. book! For a $20.00 investment, our Facebook page. While only 30
With headquarters in Santiago, we were able to expose our recent of them clicked through to actu-
D&S operates several formats Travelator wheel installation at ally view the video link, we are still
including hypermarkets, supermar- HEB’s new 2 story location in San counting this as a great first try!
kets and Ekono convenience stores. Antonio, Texas.
It also has developed a significant
credit business through its Presto
credit card, with 1.6 million users.
In 2010, D&S changed its name to
Walmart Chile.
Latin America
Miguel Villafana, Latin America
Sales Manager reports that P&H
has received a test order for two of
its products--the Travelator wheel,
and our standard shopping cart
wheel for a customer in Chile that
is the supplier to Walmart in that
The company, Estrella Solitaria
manufactures carts and racks for
retail, industrial and architectural
markets. It also has operations in
Columbia and Peru.
Besides Walmart, the company’s
customers also include SuperMer-
cado 10, Jumbo, aCuenta, Bigger,
Falabella, Express, ConstruMart,
Tottus, SdS, Frindt and Santa Isa-
In 2009, Walmart acquired a ma- The results are in from P&H’s first During the course of the 3 day
jority in Distribución y Servicio D&S “post boost” campaign on Face- campaign, 9,207 people viewed
S.A., Chile’s leading food retailer. book! For a $20.00 investment, our Facebook page. While only 30
With headquarters in Santiago, we were able to expose our recent of them clicked through to actu-
D&S operates several formats Travelator wheel installation at ally view the video link, we are still
including hypermarkets, supermar- HEB’s new 2 story location in San counting this as a great first try!
kets and Ekono convenience stores. Antonio, Texas.
It also has developed a significant
credit business through its Presto
credit card, with 1.6 million users.
In 2010, D&S changed its name to
Walmart Chile.