Page 4 - June 2015 Forward Motion
P. 4
Contributed by Jorge Casaus
QHDC CART TRIM and Eduardo Flores
PRINTING PROCESS P&H’s enginnering division re-
cently completed a project that
The trim that was created has been in the R&D process for
for the QHDC prototype the past several months for our
carts was painstakingly favorite Australian client,
measured, drawn and QHDC.
color-matched by the P&H
engineering department QHDC, through their Chinese cart
(namely, Jorge Casaus and manufacturing plant, developed
Eduardo Flores). Specifica- 2 new upscale cart prototype de-
tions were sent to a printer, signs to be tested by their client,
who created the trim pieces Woolworth’s in select higher end
on a 3D printer. Each piece store locations. QHDC wanted
had to then be attached or to disctinguish this cart by add-
adhered to the carts manu- ing some distinctive trim that
ally using a lot of ingenuity would closely mirror the standard
and some SuperGlue! rich green used by Woolworth’s
chain in Australia.
The carts will have to wait for their
introduction to the field, as unfor-
tunately, there were some issues
in the transport process with the
cart frames, but we’re anxious
to see if these 1 of a kind models
become the new WOW luxury
shopping trolley!
Contributed by Jorge Casaus
QHDC CART TRIM and Eduardo Flores
PRINTING PROCESS P&H’s enginnering division re-
cently completed a project that
The trim that was created has been in the R&D process for
for the QHDC prototype the past several months for our
carts was painstakingly favorite Australian client,
measured, drawn and QHDC.
color-matched by the P&H
engineering department QHDC, through their Chinese cart
(namely, Jorge Casaus and manufacturing plant, developed
Eduardo Flores). Specifica- 2 new upscale cart prototype de-
tions were sent to a printer, signs to be tested by their client,
who created the trim pieces Woolworth’s in select higher end
on a 3D printer. Each piece store locations. QHDC wanted
had to then be attached or to disctinguish this cart by add-
adhered to the carts manu- ing some distinctive trim that
ally using a lot of ingenuity would closely mirror the standard
and some SuperGlue! rich green used by Woolworth’s
chain in Australia.
The carts will have to wait for their
introduction to the field, as unfor-
tunately, there were some issues
in the transport process with the
cart frames, but we’re anxious
to see if these 1 of a kind models
become the new WOW luxury
shopping trolley!