Page 5 - June 2015 Forward Motion
P. 5
The Woolworth’s Limited D
stock symbol on the AUX
(Austrailian Stock Exchange) DEVELOPMENT

Woolworths is an Australian com- trusted food, liquor and general VICTORIA
pany that was founded in 1924 merchandise brands. With recent
in Sydney. When we opened expansion into home improve- Tuesday, 9 June 2015:
our first store, the Founding CEO ment, financial services and Woolworths Food Group
Percy Christmas stated a key award-winning multi-option retail (Woolworths) has an-
principle for Woolworths: Every initiatives, our innovation and cus- nounced plans to invest
man, woman and child needs a tomer obsession is changing the more than $650 million in
handy place where good things face of Australian retail. new stores and infrastructure
are cheap. and add more than 2,000
staff to our team in Victoria
To Woolworths, this principle is just over the next three years.
as important today as it was in
1924 and they work hard to live Woolworths plan to open
up to this vision by offering the at least 20 new stores and
best possible convenience, value, refurbish 40 existing stores
range and quality to the 24 million in Victoria over the next 3
customers they serve each week. years, investing around $150
million. This will create more
As Australia’s biggest retailer, than 2,000 ongoing retail
Woolworths Limited has the most jobs as well as supporting
1,000 construction jobs dur-
ing development.

This adds to the 582 stores
we currently have in Victoria
employing more than 45,000

To support this growth, Wool-
worths is investing in $500
million of new infrastructure.
This includes a new Meat
Processing Facility in Laver-
ton, which is soon to open,
and new Distribution Cen-
tre to be built in south-east
Melbourne which will open
in 2018.

Together, the two projects
will support more than 510
ongoing full time jobs. This
is on top of the 600 jobs that
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