P. 82

ANNEX F: Vysnova Training Program

 Intro to Vysnova IT Applications   This course goes through basic use of Vysnova's program management applications such as OneDrive,
 Microsoft Teams, Adobe, Smartsheet, 3CX, MS Office, Outlook, etc. Following this course, users should
 understand the basics of using these applications in managing projects and programs.

 IT Policies   This course covers all Vysnova's Information Technology policies, such as those on the role of the virtual
 CIO, submitting request tickets, IT asset management, and many more.
 Leadership Training   Performance management is the management of employees, departments, and organizations for the
 purpose of ensuring that goals and objectives are being reached efficiently and effectively. It involves
 defining what effective performance looks like and includes the development and use of tools and
 procedures necessary to measure performance. A successful performance management program helps
 an employer retain talented employees, keep them engaged, enhance employee learning, build a
 winning corporate culture and be a successful company. This training provides you with information on
 our performance management program. It will help you improve your management skills and your
 employees’ performance.

 Negotiations Workshop   Following the principles from award-winning Negotiations book “Getting to Yes,” this courses teaches
 the basics on how to approach negotiations of any kind.
 Opportunity Management and BD   This course gives an overview of the entire lifecycle of an opportunity in government contracting, from
 Lifecycle   identification to award. This course covers the roles of capture staff and proposal staff throughout the
 lifecycle and how to move from stage to stage, identifying off-ramps when necessary.
 Past Performance Development and   This course teaches participants how to write convincing past performance write-ups for proposals and
 Resume Development   how to format and write resumes in a way that highlights the information that evaluators are looking
 Purchase Requisitions and Business   Introduction of Vysnova's expense report and the Purchase Requisition form.  The course will go over
 Expense Report Training   how to fill out an expense report and costs that an employee has incurred and what prior approval is
 needed prior to the expense of a purchase.  In addition, the course will go over the purchase
 requisition, what needs to be done prior to starting the form and how to fill out the form as well as
 acceptable payment methods.

 Copyright 2020 Vysnova Partners Inc.  All rights reserved.

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