Page 102 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 102

Rathgar Keep Fit

began in October 1966
on a trial basis and has
not stopped since!

A number of women got together The class was originally parish members only but
to discuss the possibility of forming was soon extended to friends and the demand
a group that would occupy young was such that a member limit had to be set!
mothers who found themselves with
a free time in the mornings. Barbara The class enjoyed several years of success and forged
Carson suggested an exercise class many life-long friendships. Sadly, one of their members
to encourage the women to keep developed kidney failure and had to have dialysis. She
fit and she was supported by the died a year later. The class, led by Barbara, decided
Ladies Fellowship, a group of 5/6 to do some fundraising to provide special chairs for
women. the Dialysis Unit of The Meath Hospital. Friends and
family paid to see them put on a display of routines
and this was so successful that it was repeated the
following year. This was to become an annual event
and Christchurch Rathgar Keep Fit continue to raise
money for several charities.

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