Page 107 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 107


Eating well is vitally
important to maintain
your energy and health

Eating Well as you Age Exercise

As you age, your relationship to food may change Exercise is vital for staying healthy throughout life.
along with your body. A decreased metabolism, It helps you maintain your strength and agility, gives
changes in taste and smell and slower digestion may your mental health a boost, and can even help to ease
affect your appetite, the foods you can eat and how pain. Whether you are generally healthy or are coping
your body processes food. The key is to figure out how with an ongoing injury, disability or health problem,
to adapt to your changing needs. Eating well is vitally regular exercise will help you stay physically and
important to maintain your energy and health. mentally healthy and improve your confidence and
outlook on life.
• High-Fibre Foods:
• Check with your doctor before beginning
Fibre-rich foods are essential to maintain a good exercise
digestive system as you age. Eating whole grains,
fruit and vegetables will help motivate your Find out if any health conditions or medications
digestion and help you to feel more energetic. you take affect what exercise you should choose.

• Put effort into making your food look and • Find an activity you like
taste good You may want to exercise in a group, taking classes

Your taste buds may not be as strong and your or prefer a more individual exercise like swimming.
appetite may not be the same, but your nutritional
needs are just as important as ever. If you don’t
enjoy eating like you used to, put a little more
effort into your meals, including the way you
flavour, prepare and present your food.

• Hydration

Older adults are more prone to dehydration so
make sure you are drinking plenty of fluid, even
if you don’t feel thirsty. If you’re not getting
enough water, you’re not going to be as clear-
headed and your energy will suffer.

• Make meals a social event

It’s more enjoyable to eat with others than alone.
If you live alone, invite other people over. It’s a
great way to stay in touch with friends and you can
share cooking and cleanup duties.

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