Page 109 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 109


• Start slowly • Naturally boost your melatonin levels
at night
If you are new to exercise, a few minutes a day Artificial lights at night can suppress your body’s
puts you well on the way towards building
a healthy habit. Slowly increase the time and production of melatonin, the hormone that makes
intensity to avoid injury. you sleepy. Use low-wattage bulbs where safe to
do so and turn off the TV and computer at least
• Walk! one hour before bed.

Walking is one of the best ways to stay fit. It • Keep your bedroom quiet, dark and cool
requires no equipment and you can do it at your and make sure your bed is comfortable.
own pace. Instead of catching up with friends
in a cafe or bar , why not meet for a walk and Noise, light, and heat can interfere with sleep. Try
chat while you’re moving? using an eye mask to help block out light or
earplugs for noise disturbance.
A Good Night’s Sleep
• Develop bedtime rituals
Many adults complain of sleep problems as they age,
including insomnia, daytime sleepiness, and frequent Taking a bath or playing music can help you wind
waking during the night. But getting older doesn’t down.
automatically bring sleep problems. Poor sleep habits
are often the main causes of low–quality sleep in • Go to bed earlier
adults over 50.
Adjust your bedtime to match when you feel tired,
even if it is earlier than it used to be.

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