Page 111 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 111
I took a stand at the
Over 50s Show in
the RDS recently to
introduce our senior
citizens to what I
believed would be
new activities. These
activities are “Pickleball”
and “Kurling”. I will
explain both shortly.

Ihave been interested in activity for people of The day you turn 65 you
my own age and beyond for several years and I are not a year older…you
wanted to find ways of getting others active. I are one day older…so
then discovered Pickleball by accident and this led don’t stop just because the
me to Kurling. I immediately saw the synergy between number changes.
the two. They are both suited to people of all ages
from young to old. They are easy to learn and easy to scared some. It certainly would involve some sweat. It
understand and both, in their own way, have health became clear to me that many people, when they pass
benefits, both physical and mental…never mind of a certain age, become limited in their expectations of
course, the social benefits. themselves. They see themselves as ‘winding down’.
And this is what we need to change. We need to
So I took these activities to the RDS Over 50’s Show change how people think about themselves when
and the interest was fantastic. I discovered though they reach a certain age. It is just a number. The day
that both activities are already being played in Ireland. you turn 65 you are not a year older…you are one day
Kurling is played by quite a few Active Retirement older…so don’t stop just because the number changes.
groups but not nearly enough and Pickleball is being
played by one group in Westmeath (I think 12 people). A good example of the right approach…I met a man
on my stand who told me he plays tennis three days a
Before I explain the activities, I would like to comment week and table-tennis on another. He wanted to know
on what I discovered at the show in talking to so many all about Pickleball…he thought he could play that
of our retired community. too…he was 78.

Kurling, as a rather sedate and leisurely activity
appealed to everyone, but Pickleball, as a sport,

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