Page 113 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 113

So what is Kurling?

other clubs in county leagues. The more it spreads,
the more opportunities arise for external competition.

Kurling is Curling without the ice. Many of Pickleball…a great sport
you will have watched Curling during the with a funny name.
Winter Olympics but few would ever expect
to get the chance to play it due to the lack This sport is massive in America and Canada.
of facilities. 70% of those who play it are over 60. In
an area in Orlando Florida known as ‘The
New Age Kurling allows us to play this great sport Villages’ they have over 140 Pickleball courts.
indoors on any flat smooth surface…ie local parish It is played in almost 2000 venues across
halls, community centres or school gyms. The New the US, in all 50 states, with approx 100,000
Age ‘stones’ are heavy rubber stones that run on ball players.
bearings and the rules are just the same as the original
sport. It can be played by young fit individuals or less This is a sport we should be playing in Ireland. This
able bodied, including those of you who might be is a sport for you. You might not believe that yet, but
wheelchair bound. it is. It is played on a badminton sized court with a
hard paddle and a plastic ball and if you can stand up,
It can be as much fun as you like or as competitive as you can play this game. Trust me, I know. I am a tennis
you like and there are a variety of ways to play using coach who sees this as indoor tennis for people of all
various types of target mat. This is a sport that can be ability without the need for lengthy lessons.
played simply among friends within a club or against

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