Page 115 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 115

Pick up a paddle and you are an instant Pickleball players would then purchase their own paddles which
player. can range in price from €25 to €100. Kurling will
require an approximate investment of €400 which
Every town and village in Ireland has a hall with would include a full set of ‘stones’, a target mat and
one or more badminton courts. Where we have a two poles for pushing the stones. In both sports the
badminton court we should have a Pickleball court. equipment is very robust and of a commercial quality.
Be warned though, this is an addictive sport. Anyone They are not toys.
who has tried it can’t get enough of it! Like Kurling,
you can play Pickleball within your own group for a bit For anyone who is happy to look these activities up
of fun but this can also be a highly competitive sport on their computer, you will find many videos of both
and in time I hope we will have clubs all over Ireland to give you a better understanding of what is involved.
competing against each other…at all ages! The ideal
way to take up either of these activities is to do so as I am also happy to discuss visiting venues around
part of a club. Ireland to demonstrate either or both sports so
if a club, group or individual wishes to ask about
A group starting Pickleball would have to invest
approx €500 to buy the portable net, 4 paddles and Pickleball or Kurling they can email me, Michael
balls. Ideally of course, just like tennis or badminton, Davidson, on or
call me on 00353 (0) 87 6776304.

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