Page 99 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 99
Be Active, Be Inspired,


So what exactly does the role related activities. Volunteers can work on their own
of a volunteer involve? or with others, do hands-on work or volunteer at an
administrative or leadership level. When it comes
Volunteers are involved in virtually every aspect of to volunteering, passion and positivity are the only
society including health, education, social services, requirements.
youth, sports, culture, the arts and the environment.
Some volunteers give just one hour of their time So why volunteer?
each week; others devote many hours. Volunteers can
be involved in once-off events, as well as ongoing Well, you may be recently retired and find that you
activities. have more spare time on your hands, volunteering is

Some choose to volunteer out in the community; a great way to meet people with similar interests and
others are virtual volunteers, which can be a great values and make new friends. It can also be a great
way of lending your IT skills to an organisation way to show support to a group or organisation that
requiring help with websites and other computer you feel strongly about and to learn new skills.

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