Page 38 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
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Revive Active Joint Complex is Glucosamine exhibits synergistic effects with marine
a superior blend of high-calibre collagen in the protection and function of essential
ingredients for a powerful multifaceted joint cells, impairing the breakdown of cartilage, while
approach to joint healthcare. helping to relieve pain and improve joint function.
Glucosamine is like the scaffolding, supplying the
This unique formulation addresses the three primary framework for marine collagen to support the normal
concerns in the development of osteoarthritis: function of cartilage.

• deteriorated cartilage Traditionally hyaluronic acid, which is important in
• joint inflammation & pain the makeup of joint fluid acting as a shock absorber
• decreased mobility & function and lubricant, has been delivered by injection which
can be painful and costly. Clinical studies, however,
Collagen is a strong fibre like structure and the are showing the beneficial effects of oral hyaluron-
most abundant protein in the body. It is essential in ic acid supplementation in improving symptoms of
the makeup of bone, tendons, ligaments, skin and osteoarthritis offering a positive alternative to
cartilage within joints. injections. MSM has also been used in the treatment
of osteoarthritis, as the anti-inflammatory properties
Osteoarthritis develops as cartilage deteriorates of MSM help to cool and relieve inflamed, painful joint
within joints as a consequence of aging or overuse tissue.
leading to inflammation, friction and joint pain. As
this persist, eventually the rate at which cartilage is These 4 ingredients along with others including
destroyed surpasses the rate at which the cells manganese, copper, boron and vitamin D3 offer
responsible for producing new cartilage can repair powerful beneficial effects within osteoarthritic
the damage, exhausting joint cells and impairing their conditions, making Revive Active Joint Complex the
ability to function properly. most comprehensive formula for supporting cartilage,
bone, connective tissue and skin function. Whether
Marine collagen is used in the maintenance and you are someone who currently suffers from joint pain,
repair of collagen within our skin and joint cartilage. concerned about the development of osteoarthritis
Through a natural process called hydrolysis, marine or osteoporosis, or an athletes who wants to protect
collagen is broken down to its simplest pieces. These their joints, Revive Active Joint Complex will support
are the building blocks for making new cartilage. you and help revive an active nation once again.

Research has shown that when hydrolysed marine
collagen enters the body, it is quickly absorbed,
transported and deposited into the joints, bones and
skin. Once in these locations, hydrolysed marine
collagen stimulates cells in our bones, skin and joints
to produce new collagen fibres and cartilage.

Studies have shown that marine collagen helps 1800 910 000
reduce joint pain and increase joint mobility and
function by supporting joint cartilage tissue.
Hydrolysed marine collagen not only addresses
concerns regarding osteoarthritis, but osteoporosis
as well helping to keep bones strong and healthy,
while also aiding in the maintenance and function of
skin for a youthful appearance.

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