Page 43 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 43



14 older men celebrated the completion Maureen Kavanagh, Chief Executive of ARI, says that the approach
of a new and unique men’s health is already paying off. “This project has engaged older men in a
project in Multyfarnham, Co. Westmeath creative and dynamic way, allowing them to examine their own
last year. The project, entitled “The health from a biopsychosocial perspective, which means that they
Second Half”, was delivered by Active take all aspects of their health and wellbeing into account,” she
Retirement Ireland. The men, all hailing said at the final session in Multyfarnham. “Older people in Ireland,
from Co. Westmeath, spent ten weeks and older men in particular, can suffer greatly from loneliness and
exploring what it means to be an older isolation. This project allows these men to explore not only their
man and examining their health and physical health, but also their mental and emotional wellbeing.”
wellbeing in a novel way.
Continued on pg. 42

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