Page 40 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
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Glenbeigh Active Retired Group was formed seven years member wore their favourite hat and they chose a
ago. They are a group of about 20 – more women than winner.
men. Their weekly meetings are held on Tuesdays. In
the winter months they usually begin their meetings They have also had several outings to places such as
with a Go For Life exercise routine. This is followed by Dingle, Glenstal Abbey and Fota Wildlife Park. One
a singsong. One of their members is 94 years of age and of their latest outings was to the Seanchaí Centre in
her favourite song is “Never Grow Old”. Next they have a Listowel. The centre is dedicated to the works of local
delicious dinner followed by various activities including writers and poets. It was a very interesting, educational
card games and bingo. and enjoyable outing.

Now and again they have a competition. Recently they They always take a break in the month of August, but
had a Hat Competition, which we all enjoyed. Each the members all look forward to their return to weekly
meetings in September each year.

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