Page 44 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
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The project, which was designed and delivered by their fellow participants. At its core, this programme
Drama Therapist and Psychologist Joe Lawlor, has follows Active Retirement Ireland’s ethos of enabling
many benefits for the participants. “We aimed to help older people to do things for themselves, and we’re
these men get a better understanding of the physical, delighted it’s been such a success in Westmeath.”
psychological and social changes that occur as part of The second phase of the project, also delivered in Co.
the ageing process,” said Maureen Kavanagh, “As well Westmeath, was equally successful.
as that, they have given themselves a greater sense
of community through the ten weekly sessions with


To celebrate Bealtaine this year, the group planned a cultural day trip. Visiting Killaloe
& Ballina, which are amongst Ireland’s most picturesque towns and serve as a gateway
to the River Shannon and Lough Derg, they took a pleasant and relaxing cruise on
Lough Derg.

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