Page 49 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 49
The first recorded meeting The decision was made to form a group and a small
of RARA was held on 10th working committee was formed to find a meeting
April 1989 and the founders place. The first recorded meeting of RARA was held
were: Ben Daly, James on 10th April 1989 and the founders were: Ben Daly,
Leaden, James Fitzgerald, James Leaden, James Fitzgerald, Angela Fitzgerald and
Angela Fitzgerald and Maura Cullen. By the Annual General meeting, held on
Maura Cullen. 10th October 1989, there were 83 members. So much
for “nothing lasted in Rathfarnham” - 2014 saw RARA
celebrate 25 years in existence!

and now...

The club met on Wednesday evenings from 7:30pm RARA is one of the largest associations in
to 9:30pm and members played Bingo and had a the country and as their current venue will
break for tea and socialising. There were outings and only accommodate half their members at a
an annual party to which those who did not attend time, they hold two back-to-back meetings
on Wednesday, were invited. As well as Bingo on on alternate Tuesdays.
Wednesday evenings, there was a craft class on one
afternoon per week. When the Wednesday Club began, The committee arrive at 9:30am to set up the room,
it was said that “nothing lasted in Rathfarnham” and discuss ideas and plan the Agenda and soon members
eventually the Wednesday Club did close, but only begin to arrive for the first meeting at 10:30am.
because all but four of the members had died! Meetings last approximately 30 minutes, followed by
sign-up for outings and a quick chat before stragglers
In 1988, a note was put in the Parish Newsletter are ousted to make way for the next group. Regular
regarding the setting up of an Active Retirement events such as Bridge, Walking and Art Classes take
Group, asking anyone interested to get in touch. There place on a weekly basis at various venues.
was a similar notice in Terenure Church and Marjorie
Hogan and Maura Cullen attended. It seemed like With now nearly 250 members to entertain throughout
a good idea, so even though they had no meeting the year, finding something to suit every taste is not an
place, they put a notice in the Rathfarnham Parish easy task but the RARA Committee are innovative and
Newsletter. 17 people turned up to that December ceaseless in their goal to get their members up, out
meeting in the Yellow House and a further meeting and kept busy. These dedicated members spend their
was arranged for February, when a representative of year organising meetings, trips, events, outings and
FARA came to explain the aims and objects of the even foreign holidays, searching for new adventures
association - voluntary, non-sectarian, non-political and activities. The last few years have been especially
and open to both men and women. eventful turn to page 50 to see a flavour of what RARA
have done throughout the year.

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