Page 53 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
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Life of RARA

and was a terrific success. A Memorial Service
is also held at his time of year to remember
and celebrate the lives of deceased members.
RARA takes a well deserved break for the
Christmas period with meetings resuming in
January and membership activities are back
in full swing by February.

SPRING: Spring gets underway with some the Bord Gais Theatre. The members host a tea party
on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Association at this time
lovely cultural events and this year included each year and it is always very well supported. For
a wonderful evening at The National Concert those who still have their sea-legs, an exciting and
Hall for Viennese Night, a fascinating visit exhilarating boat trip was organised with Dublin Bay
to the Mosque in Clonskeagh and day trips Cruises while landlubbers enjoyed a trip to Burtown
to the National Stud and Malahide Castle. House & Gardens in Athy. The Annual Summer Garden
Coming out of gloomy February into March is the Party was held in the stunning Druids Glen this year
perfect time for a break and RARA members spent a and was, as always, a great success. Summer is a time
wonderful few days in the Tower Hotel in Waterford to for holiday and last year, members spent a fabulous
recharge their batteries. 4 days in the wilds of Donegal, that included a trip
to the historic walled City of Derry. In the past, RARA
A highlight this Spring was a visit to have travelled further afield with wonderful holidays
Farmleigh and Aras an Uachtarain in Spain, Portugal and Italy.
where members met not only our
esteemed President Higgins but also With their boundless energy and
had a surprise visit from An Taoiseach, enthusiasm, who knows where they’ll
Enda Kenny! go next?!

SUMMER: The start of the summer season is

especially full with a busy schedule of events including
day trips to Wicklow Gaol and Belvedere House, as
well as most enjoyable nights out at the theatre to
see Moll at the Gaiety and Singing in the Rain at

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