Page 51 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
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It is probably a safe assumption that disability or an isolated location - find On the help line, volunteers are trained
many members of Active Retirement their solitary lives to be particularly to listen in a way that the caller feels
Ireland lead active lives, are connected difficult. heard and supported. All volunteers are
to others, and enjoy new activities and older people themselves, in many cases
friendships at this life stage. However, ‘I am so glad I phoned you today’ sharing a lifetime of experience, and
many older people are not so fortunate. this peer aspect of the service is much
Last year, Senior Help Line, Ireland’s only ‘Thank you for listening’ appreciated by callers. Telling someone
peer service for older people provided else a problem can help to clarify it,
by trained volunteers, received over ‘I needed someone to talk things and in some cases can help to point
30,000 calls. In a good proportion of out with’. a way forward to a possible course of
these, loneliness was either expressed action. Senior Help Line volunteers
or implied. These are three typical comments from support a caller in this way by helping
callers to Senior Help Line. The service them explore their options so that
We can be lonely at any age. Loneliness is managed by Third Age, a voluntary what began as an insurmountable
is a state of mind, characterised by organisation promoting the value of problem may seem to become much
feelings of sadness, longing, even older people in communities more manageable.
despair. However, loneliness in older
people can be considered existential Callers can be lonely, anxious, in Listening costs nothing except time. It
and part of the territory of ageing. With financial difficulties, worried about is a priceless value in today’s world. It
ageing come loss – the loss of spouses, home security, health or family. Some is offered by Senior Help Line every day
family, friends, the loss of health, the callers are depressed or suicidal or may of the year from 10 am to 10 pm. All
loss of income and purpose – and in an be suffering from elder abuse. Some calls are confidential. No landline call
ageist society, the loss of status and a callers get in touch very regularly for costs more than 30 cent, irrespective of
feeling of being counted. company and social contact. We are call length.
social beings. An isolated daily routine
Around 136,000 older people in Ireland can for make an unhealthy lifestyle and If you don’t need a service such as
live alone according to latest figures nudge towards depression and mental Senior Help Line, you are fortunate.
from the CSO. Many of these are older illness. Loneliness has actually been However, you may know someone who
people. While loneliness is different likened to cancer and heart disease in could benefit from talking to us.
from being alone, many older people - its corrosive effect on the body, mind If so, please pass on our number LoCall
already isolated through bereavement, and spirit. 1850 440 444
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